Google is an internet company started on 1999 at America by two youngsters in America. Sergey brin and Larry page. Now Google is the number one company in internet service providers.
The main aim of Google is to helps user to find the best internet services in minimum time. Anyway Google is known as the best search engine on the internet. Rather than search operations, Google helping the webmasters to optimize their websites to achieve visitors by different tools. Visit the following google tools, use it and understand the power. Each Google tool is explain its importance with their name itself.
1. Google Webmaster Tools – Submitting the and optimizing website
2. Google Analytics – Analyse the performance of the website.
3. Google Pagespeed Insights – Check the loading speed of the website
4. Google keyword – Choose the appropriate keywords for the website for marketing
5. Google Trends – To Know the Current current trend search trend on the internet.
6. Google URL Shortener – To make the long URLs to short. This service is now available for existing customers.
7. Google Blogger – To make a free blogging platform. Only email address required
8. Google Ads – To advertise your product/website with paid ads
9. Google re-captcha – To Prevent spams in internet
10. Google translate – For reading website in your local language.
11. Google Keep – To keep notes regarding your work.
12. Google Safe Browsing – To do safe browsing.
13. Google Adsense – To get a decent income from your website
All the above google tools definitely help the webmasters to build a good traffic website. Before start talking about SEO, always remember “content is the king”. If you put good content on a trending topic will pick readers very fast. Content should be clear and precise. Simple words with a good topic will rule the web world. Spend some time to get a good topic. Do the research and analysis. Create a post on the website with SEO friendly content. SEO plays big on the web because whatever the good content put on the website without visitors stay dead. SEO friendly content can read the search engines very fast. Sitemap also equal importance in the web world.
Another important topic is SMO(Social Media Optimization). Nowadays, social media has a big influence on people. Trusted people put good/bad reviews will affect the business in both ways. For example, you watched one movie and can share an opinion on social media will influence your friends. They also excited to do the same. So keep using social media for bigger results. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit and all are playing their roles in social media marketing.