Alexa is a website providing detailed, page-level assessment of your website.
Steps to add Alexa verification code to your own websites
1. Go to
Before it was free. Now it is a paid service.
Choose the right plan for your website
Use a free trial. Cancel at any time.
2. After completing the payment option get back to site owners page.
3. Enter your website address and click the “Claim your site” button.
4. You can see those two verification methods. In my opinion, the second one is more convenient.
5. Copy the meta tag from Alexa and paste in between your website head tags
<meta name=alexaVerifyID content=zhghs_kjagsmhgdsjgsdfh />
6. Now the final step is to gets back to Alexa and clicks to verify.
After verification, Alexa will start to pull the traffic and other data from your website. They will give suggestions to improve the traffic, SEO of the website.
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