New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday extended indefinitely the March 31 deadline for mandatory linking of Aadhaar with bank accounts and mobile phones. A five-judge Constitution bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra extended the March 31 deadline for linking of the national biometric identifier with all services and welfare schemes. They have also…
WhatsApp extends the time limit of “Delete for everyone” Feature
The most useful WhatsApp feature “Delete for everyone” now comes with a new time limit. The popular messaging app Whatsapp now extends the time limit to 4,096 seconds i.e. 68 minutes and 16 seconds, from a seven-minute deadline in their latest update. The feature is currently live for WhatsApp Android beta version 2.18.69, with a…
Get your Business account in G Suite
Get a google account for your business for only ₹150 /user/month. Show you’re in business and look professional with custom email at your company domain. Create personalized email addresses for your team like joe@yourcompany. Here are three reasons to give it a try: You can get customised email and more with Gmail for work. It helps…
Moon 4g network-Moon is going to get 4G network
The Moon 4g network Germany and Nokia confirmed they will create the first 4G network on the moon. The network will go live by 2019. Vodafone Germany, network equipment maker Nokia and carmaker Audi said on Tuesday they were working together to support the mission, 50 years after the first Nasa astronauts walked on the…