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Text Case Converter

Enter your content and pick the case you need to change over it to.

Character Count: 0 | Word Count: 0
Easily Convert Text Between Different Cases:
1. Lower Case To Upper Case 2.Upper Case To Lower Case 3.Sentence Case 4.Capitalized Case 5.Alternating Case. Also Use As Word Counter, Character Counter And More.

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What is Text Case Converter?

Text Case Converter Online is a simple free online tool that converts any text to either lower case, upper case, Title case,aLtErNaTiNg or sentence case, wordcount, charater count ..etc

The Simple Way To Convert Text Between Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence Case

This simple to-utilize Case Conversion Tool is intended to permit you to change over squares of content into any case, which you can then fare to a content record or essentially duplicate and glue back to your own particular archive. So in the event that you have written a report and unintentionally left your tops bolt on – don't freeze! Then again on the off chance that you need to ensure that a report has all the right capitalisations, you can now change over it in seconds. On the other hand in the event that you are an advertiser and need to underwrite the primary letter of every word, then a single tick will do the trap! Just duplicate and glue your content into the content territory above and tap on the catches at the base to change over it to one of the distinctive cases, including:


Sentence Case". This underwrites the primary letter of every sentence, and changes over whatever remains of the content to lower case. So the main letter after each full stop is consequently changed over into a capital letter.

Text Case Converter allows you to change the case of any text to upper case, lower case, sentence case or proper case easily. Change text case to upper case, lower case, sentence case or title case with Text Case Converter

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