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PHP Jobs- Best place to Find your Favourite Job

What is a PHP Developer Job?

PHP developer who is dedicated to his craft, writes code that is proud of and can hit the ground running. We need you to write beautiful, fast PHP to a high standard, in a timely and scalable way that improves the code-base of our products in meaningful ways. 

You will be a part of a creative team that is responsible for all aspects of the ongoing software development from the initial specification, through to developing, testing and launching. 

Write "clean" , well designed code 

Produce detailed specifications 

Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionality 

Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle 

Follow industry best practices 

Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary 

Additional Qualifications required for a PHP Developer Job

Professional experience with open source platforms like WordPress,Joomla, CS-Cart, osCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, etc.

Demonstrable knowledge of web technologies including HTML, CSS3,XML, JavaScript, AJAX etc

Good knowledge of relational databases, version control tools and of developing web services

Passion for best design and coding practices and a desire to develop new bold ideas

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Web design and Web Development company kochi

WEB Development COMPANY DUBAI, WEB Development COMPANY KERALA(Kochi)

smartwebsolutions is website design and Digital marketing company IN DUBAI AND KERALA. We offer complete web-business solutions for all type of businesses of all sizes. We have developed more than 30+ websites in the past Three years and currently provide Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services to over 10 businesses. We provide excellent online services than any other professional web development and Digital marketing company in UAE, India.
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