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Replace space with dash online/URL Slug Generator-Free Online Slug Generator

Paste content(string/line/sentence/words) into the Left text box. Automatically it will be convert to a Slug Form

Your String


Text with Dashes/ Generated Slug URL

Replaces Space and Special Charcters with Hyphen.

Replace Spaces with Dashes.

The online slug Generator-Generate SEO Friendly url slugs from any strings. URL slug is the address of a specific page or post on a website. Usually generating URL slugs based on page title or Post.
Syntax and Example
Your url: http://www.example.com
Your text: what is URL slug?
URL Slug: http://www.example.com/what-is-url-slug/
slug, url, ascii, unicode, utf-8, human-readable, clean, string, identifier, php, user-friendly, seo, permalink, programming, function, tool

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