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Hi, Welcome to Smart Web Solutions team page. Here you can find the team behind this Great Web development and Design Company. They work hard for deliver 100% Client Saisfied projects . You can get to know about them below:

Sijo Thomas
Web Developer / Client-Co-ordinator
Sijo is the Lead Developer of Smart Web Solutions. He is also the founder of Smart Web Solutions. He owned 5 other technology and media portals as well. He had been writing for leading Blogs Also. He started his developer/blogging career exactly 6 years before. He is handling Web development and Client Coordination in Smart Web Solutions. He is a well-known blogger(http://smarttips.in) too. He is a trusted technolgy person. He is Now Living in Dubai, UAE
Address: kakknand, Kochi,
Kerala, India.
Phone:+971 564793054. Email: info@smartwebsolution.org
Vishnu Prasad
Middle Level Web Developer
Mr. Vishnu Prasad is an experienced Web Developer. He is responsible for Individual coding and co-ordinates the company development activities from layout to function according to a client's specifications. Visualize to create full functionality sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation. He is an expert in working with PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, API development and familiar with CMS development. - High level of understanding using framework like SocialEngine, Node.js etc - High level of Experience in designing and maintaining database structure.
Address: Canada,ON.
Email: info@smartwebsolution.org
Sreenadh H
Mentor(Web Developer / Linux Server Administrator)
Sreenadh has exceptional abilities with server administration. He is the Volunteer, Co-Founder, FOSS Club His optimization techniques together with knowledge level has ensured that server has been up all the time. Sreenadh is a down to earth guy, who have efficient talent in Linux systems and administration.
Address: Cochin, Kerala, India.
Deepak Edavatt
He is a Multi talented person at Smart Web Solutions. He is doing Development. Also working for some of our marketing Works. He has been working about web field since 2010 and has great Coding and Marketing skills. He is in charge of social media and communications, to develop and enhance project initiatives for the group and its brands.
Address: Kannur Kerala, India
Email: info@smartwebsolution.org
Varada Praveen.
Senior Web Developer
Varada is an experienced Developer. She is based in Cochin, India.Her role is responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a client's specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation. She is an expert in working with PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, API development and familiar with CMS development. - High level of understanding using framework like Laravel, SocialEngine, YII, CodeIgniter, Angular.js, Node.js, React.js..etc - High level of Experience in designing and maintaining database structure. - High level of Experience in E-commerce and CMS
Address: Cochin, kerala, India
Asish Abraham
Asish is a middle level Developer based in India. He is working for many web based Applications. Writing and reviewing source code using Agile development practices Participation in testing efforts - Troubleshooting technical issues Proficiency in PHP development language Experience developing and consuming web services Consulting experience - Strong PHP, Drupal and JQuery experience Knowledge of the full software life cycle
Address: Mulanthuruthy, Ernakulam, India.
Saifu Muhammed
Senior Web Designer
Saifu is a Senior Web Desiger at Smart Web Solutions. creates the look, layout, and features of a website. His Job involves understanding both graphic/web design and Coding. He is converting the graphics design to User Intractive(UI) Design. Once a website is created, a web designer helps with maintenance and additions to the website. work with development teams or managers for keeping the site up-to-date and prioritizing needs, among other tasks. - High level of understanding using UI/UX Designing - High level of Experience in Graphic designing. - High level of Experience in HTML, SASS, JAVASCRIPT..etc
Address: Alappuzha, Kerala, India.
Manoj Jacob
Digital Marketing/SEO/SMO
He is a markeing person at Smart Web Solutions. Also working for some of our Digital marketing Works. He has been do marketing since 2014 and has great client communication skills and knowledge in the niche. He is in charge of social media and communications, to develop and enhance project initiatives for the group and its brands. Manoj's responsibilities are planning brand objectives, implementing communication, building a graphic portfolio, manage design and content for advertising and analyze market data and customer feedback.
Address: Kannur Kerala, India
Email: info@smartwebsolution.org

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smartwebsolutions is website design and Digital marketing company IN DUBAI AND KERALA. We offer complete web-business solutions for all type of businesses of all sizes. We have developed more than 30+ websites in the past Three years and currently provide Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services to over 10 businesses. We provide excellent online services than any other professional web development and Digital marketing company in UAE, India.
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